2016 Scotiabank Giller Prize Winner

Madeleine Thien
Do Not Say We Have Nothing

2016 Shortlist

The 2016 Scotiabank Giller Prize jury announced its shortlist on Monday, September 26, 2016, derived from a longlist of 12 books.

2016 Longlist

The 2016 Scotiabank Giller Prize jury announced its longlist on Wednesday, September 7, 2016.

Of the 2016 longlist, the jury writes:

The quality and depth of Canadian fiction made it challenging to select the 2016 Scotiabank Giller Prize longlist. Many more stories and novels deserve a place on the list. As jurors, we salute all one hundred and sixty one writers whose books were brought to our attention. We selected works that reflect the boldness, originality and global perspectives that have come to characterize much Canadian writing. The books span a range of narrative styles – some playfully verbose and others quietly powerful. The books explore various obsessions: genocide in 20th century China and in medieval Spain; the neglect, abuse or theft of children in Ireland, North America and Guatemala; the dangers of nuclear testing; the unapologetic pursuit of crime and criminals; and the surprising ways that table manners, travel, body shape, illness, violence and love influence self-esteem and intimate relationships. We, the 2016 Scotiabank Giller Prize jurors, encourage book lovers to discover the works that moved us, and to keep reading Canadian literature widely.

2016 Jury

The Scotiabank Giller Prize is pleased to announce the award-winning, five-member jury panel for the 2016 Prize.

Samantha Harvey

Jeet Heer

Lawrence Hill

Alan Warner

Kathleen Winter

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