Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy will assist you in understanding the types of information about visitors to the site which we collect, and the availability of the material posted here for personal or public use.

About information you provide to the Scotiabank Giller Prize

In selected places on our website, we may request information from you. This might include your name, e-mail address, other contact information, and other identifying or demographic information. We use this information to:

  • send you announcements, press releases, prize deadline reminders and other bulletins from the Scotiabank Giller Prize, if you’ve requested them
  • provide you with information you have requested about the Scotiabank Giller Prize
  • send you requested Scotiabank Giller Prize marketing materials
  • send you or a colleague an e-mail message you’ve requested.

We will never share, sell or rent individual personal information without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law.

For visitors to our site who are under 18 years of age, we strongly recommend that you obtain the permission of a parent or guardian before providing us with any information.

Forward a friend a message

Scotiabank Giller Prize broadcast e-mail messages to opted-in subscribers provide facilities for subscribers to forward a Giller Prize message or announcement to a friend. The Scotiabank Giller Prize uses the e-mail addresses entered to send the requested message, and the number of e-mail messages sent is tracked. However, the Scotiabank Giller Prize does not use the e-mail addresses for any other purpose.

Opting out

When you subscribe to the Scotiabank Giller Prize mailing list, we provide simple instructions with each message explaining how to cancel your subscription.

Technical and demographic information

The Scotiabank Giller Prize collects technical and demographic information via this website that does not personally identify website visitors. Examples of this type of information include the computer operating system you use, your Internet browser, your domain name, your IP address, and the web pages you view. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.

We use this information to diagnose problems with our website and to better tailor its content and organization to site visitors’ needs.


The Scotiabank Giller Prize website only uses cookies to track and aggregate user navigation and site traffic in ways that are not individually identifiable.

E-mail open rates and clicks

Scotiabank Giller Prize broadcast e-mail messages are designed such that we can track the open rates of the HTML versions of these messages. This allows the Scotiabank Giller Prize to improve the quality of the messages we send to our subscribers. We also track clicks on links in broadcast e-mail messages to the Scotiabank Giller Prize website.

How the information you provide is protected

All Scotiabank Giller Prize broadcast emails and mailing lists are managed using MailChimp. MailChimp takes strong precautions to protect information housed in its system from loss, misuse and unauthorized access. Please visit MailChimp for additional information on their privacy and security practices.

How you can change the information you provided

If you have provided information to the Scotiabank Giller Prize and would like it deleted from our records, or you would like to change information you’ve given us, please send an e-mail message to

From time to time, we may use visitor information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will post the policy changes to this page to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, please check this page periodically.


The Scotiabank Giller Prize website may link to the websites of literary and related associations, publishers, organizations, interest groups, awards, sites devoted to specific authors and artists, as well as groups and resources from around the world that we believe site visitors will find interesting or useful. These links are based on our knowledge of the site, organization or publication, and requests from groups we are unfamiliar with may not be accepted, due to the time required to exercise due diligence in this area.

The Scotiabank Giller Prize is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of linked web sites. Although the Scotiabank Giller Prize makes every effort to link only to very high quality, professional organizations, parents are advised to review the material their children are viewing. Children and adults are advised never to disclose personal identifiers such as name, gender, address, location of one’s school or other items that could jeopardize their personal safety, and to review the privacy policy posted on any site they visit.

Contacting the Scotiabank Giller Prize

If you feel that this website is not following its stated policies, you may contact us at